jueves, 1 de julio de 2010

blog 9

In this blog I will discuss the previous blogs in general I had problems with carrier the blogs, I have also had difficulty with vocabulary, another point I learned new words that I hope will not forget me.
The subjects of the various blogs has generally been interesting and has helped me reflect on career-related topics I'm studying, but the blog My favorite was the free history that gave me the opportunity to write as I like, which is not to long ago. Writing these blogs has cost me much because my English proficiency is low, but I tried to do the best I can and I think I have been going pretty well.
The blogs of my colleagues have been very interesting as I have revealed their opinions on topics I find very interesting, also has helped us to know other things as are the sources of information dealing with my colleagues and I did not know I also enjoyed reading the free papers, I pleased to know that here are such good friends that comment on their relationship in the blog, where I lived, others who still believe in love and reflected in their stories, etc.
Overall this experience has been rewarding.

jueves, 24 de junio de 2010

blog 8

My dream job would be preferably in an office where there was enough surrounding vegetation, as it is in the south of Chile, I like this place also by the rains and the type of landscape it offers. I wish I could respond to low-income users because I think they are people who need more support and services of health professionals, especially the midwife, and I also like to work on both sides where there is no discrimination on socio and economic office does not really matter as long as I can play as a midwife I would be happy, and I also want to be specialized in community health and neonatology, as tutor to the first is an essential tool for decision making that can help an entire community and I would like the second special mention, because I like working with something so delicate and beautiful as they are newborns.
I'd love to have my cont
rols by pregnant adolescents for to work with them.

In the ideal I would work Monday through Friday to spend the weekend with my family especially my daughter I love very much.

jueves, 17 de junio de 2010

Blog 7

Inside the world the things move, are formed and disappear, and it is inside be where the small one grew. Turning without dealing since it is that everything here has to reject and die, trying to change with his innocence this natural law.

The girl within the first months of life trying to understand the world that took her in, but do not understand it, began to recognize people, to realize that someone had been called the father and mother, who cared for her, a simple miniature this world of giants, I had uncles who competed for the love of her grandparents with her, also realized as everyone looked different, some love others as a threat. With this change she realized that not all should be equal, he learned the first law of life "not having the same face everywhere".

On having happened the time, it grew a bit and pipe that to separate for times from whom they were protecting her (his mother and father) and again changed, knew that there was another world, on the other side of the door of what had hitherto been your home, his refuge, where she was hiding it from the rest of the world in order that they not hurting her, realized of that tape-worm that to look after itself to if same when it was alone because not they all were going to protect her always …

to continue

jueves, 10 de junio de 2010

blog 6

I as a future health professional I has the duty to give the population tools that will help prevent diseases that can affect and inform them of their rights, and this I do Through educating users of different methodologies, for example, talks given resented on where you work, giving workshops for discussion of practices harmful to health, placing posters with health data, speaking schools, etc .

Some topics that I can try as midwife are: healthy habits during pregnancy, family planning, prevention of sexually transmitted infections, the employment rights of pregnant women, among others.

Obviously I have to choose the topic to deal as the type of population that is working, if I'm working with a population that has High indexes of not wished and teen pregnancies a good topic to discuss in this population would contraception and planning familiar. Therefore it is important handle the information of community where we work to address issues relevant to them.

To my especially I would like to treat the topic of violence interfamilial with a group of women who have precedents and / or factors of risk for this, because this topic affects so much the physical and mental health of the whole family and produces sequels that generations last, and sometimes for ignorance of his rights the women accept villains you treat provoking this way an irreparable hurt all his environment.

At present the topic of educating the this population centred on the “Chile grows with you ", this program this one trying to give a complete service that helps the population in integral form, for example: to the gestates chats give each other him informing them about his labour laws.

jueves, 3 de junio de 2010

blog 5

Both in the area of health as in other areas of life itself, there are differences between the roles of men and women, and sometimes these differences in roles is so large and unjustified as they become discrimination.

In the health area is well marked differences such as that the vast majority of people in the profession of matron / midwifery are women, and is same society that has relegated women to the care of pregnant women and babies in all areas of life, change in the medical practices there are more men than women however this trend is not so marked as in the previous case, we can also see differences in salaries by gender, for example the woman who is a doctor earns less than the man who is a doctor and this does not occur only in the area of health but also in the total Chilean labour worldwide.

Other differences that exist is the administrative area hospitals, I think women have a harder climb in charge than men because they have us put more demands, I also feel there is centralization of sex according area of the hospital for I could see in the area of maternal and neonatal there are more women, whereas in areas of the Physical therapy and surgery related to trauma are more men.

jueves, 20 de mayo de 2010

Blog 3

My favorite subject is health research Since it is it delivers me tools to analyze health situations where my professional work performed, the main topic and most interesting content is the demography with this important information you can obtained and is defined as : the science and practice dealing with statistical and mathematical analysis of the size, composition and spatial distribution of human populations, and the causes and consequences of changes in fertility, mortality, marriage and migration. Also it allows to analyze it her was prevailing of diseases in certain group of persons with specific characteristics

The hardest thing is to collect demographic data, as this must be very detailed and real as possible to avoid erroneous analysis of the situation in which they find the people with whom we work, and the easier to understand concepts and interpretation of the formulas for calculating dealing different types of fees.

This matter her gives the docents of the school of obstetrics and puericulture, they have an excellent managing of this topic and in addition they us highlight his importance in our professional future. My qualifications at the matter have been good in addition I have learned enough of how it is necessary to to analyze the demographic information

jueves, 6 de mayo de 2010

blog 2

The site that I see constantly it is of Ministry of health, it is consists of various sections among which are: "Conozcános" in this section they talk a little about the history of MINSAL and in addition report some important milestones in the Chilean health, the next section is "le informamos" in this, the Ministry of Health offers the community a series of links where you can find information on various subjects directly related to the entities under the supervision of MINSAL., another section is "temas de salud"in this space is available to the public information on Citizen Participation in Health, also provides information on what the Social Determinants of Health, there are also numerous studies related to the health sector methodological guidelines for specific audiences; links to vital statistics, information epidemiological and many other topics that are vital to my searches for information, the next section is called "protección de salud" here you can find out about the programs and actions developed by the ministry of health to provide promotion and protection of healthy life in Chile, an of the sections is "problemas de salud" in this you can know the main diseases in the country, its forms of transmission, symptoms and treatments to these, also has epidemiological statistics of these constantly updated and the last section is "instituciones relacionadas" here there are links to agencies that are related to the health area in Chile.

I like this site because it gives me updated information of the country is also the main source of information on health in Chile for this very reason I visit at least two times a week and when I have work on situations of health records in Chile.